Four Kenyans to Play FIFA Tournament in Russia [VIDEO]

Four Kenyans are set to play a tournament in the FIFA Foundation Festival that will be hosted concurrently with the World Cup in Moscow, Russia.

The four, Kabale Halake, a 17-year-old girl, Ogom Asogo (18), Samson Dido (18) and Hanadi Abdinassir (16) were selected to participate in the festival courtesy of Horn Of Africa Development Initiative (HODI), a non-governmental organization.

Based in Marsabit, HODI was founded by Fatuma Abdulkadir Adan in 2003 and encourages playing football as a means of fostering peace and cohesion especially between the frequently clashing Gabra and Oromo tribes.

[caption caption="The team arriving in Russia"][/caption]

Besides, Fatuma, who underwent female genital mutilation (FGM) uses the organization to help young girls in Marsabit county to escape the retrogressive cultural practice.

Halake, who hails from Saku in Marsabit County, and her four compatriots from Moyale, North Horr and Laisamis sub-counties have been yearning to turn their passion for football into a championship.

For instance, Kabale a Form Four student at Moi Girls Secondary School, Marsabit had to outwit her mother to secure her mother as their culture does not allow girls to take part in any sport, let alone football.

"I asked Fatuma (executive director of HODI) to intervene and she spent three days trying to persuade my mother, but she was still reluctant to give me permission.

"Eventually, I stole the birth certificate and took it to Fatuma so that she could start processing my travel documents," Kabale narrated the challenges she faced.

The girl recounted how she would create time for practice by sneaking out of her madrassa classes for two hours out of the four allocated hours as she knew her mother would not allow her to play.

[caption caption="The 4 before departure from Nairobi's JKIA"][/caption]

HODI is among the 48 non-governmental organisations from 38 countries that will take part in the FIFA Foundation Festival which will include Street Soccer USA, Sport Against Racism Ireland, Single Leg Amputee Sports Association from Sierra Leone and Downside Up Charity from Russia.

Interestingly, the football tournament and an awards ceremony at the Red Square, Moscow on June 30 traditionally follows a "football3 concept" involving playing in three halves, and no referees.

The teams made of members drawn from the participating NGOs decide the rules before they play and then come together at the end of the game to reflect on their behaviour.

Shortly after, an awarding ceremony which is the climax of the FIFA Foundation Festival sees points awarded to the teams not only for goals but also fair play.

Here is a video courtesy of HODI: