6 Suspects Charged Over Planned Terrorist Attacks in Nairobi

Six terror suspects who were arrested by police in Isiolo were charged on Tuesday. 

Police believe that the suspects were planning major terrorist attacks targeting locations in Nairobi, specifically the National Police Service's Jogoo House headquarters and the Milimani Law Courts.

Authorities believe that they were out to free suspects being prosecuted for terror-related charges.

They were allegedly found with a cache of explosive devices stashed ahead of the planned attack, among them seven projectile bombs and 36 grenades, seven AK47 assault rifles and 1,099 rounds of ammunition.

The explosives were implanted in a vehicle with the car registration KBM 200D.

[caption caption="Terror suspects at the Milimani Law Courts on 14/08/2018"][/caption]

The six were charged with conspiring to carry out an act of terror by embedding explosives in a vehicle.

The suspects were identified as Abdimanjit Adan, Mohamed Osman, Anthony Makau, John Kiarie, Lydia Mburu and Francis Karishu.

State counsel Allen Mulama told the court that the prosecution had lined up 54 suspects to testify in the case.

He further stated that they had over 100 documents containing evidence and were only waiting for the Bomb Disposal Unit's report on the recovered explosives.

Chief Magistrate Francis Andayi set the hearing for three days, September 4 to 6, after the suspects denied the charges and were released on Sh1 million bond or Sh500,000 cash bail.

[caption caption="Inspector-General of Police Joseph Boinnet"][/caption]





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