Makueni County Senator Mutula Kilonzo Jr Collapses in Nandi

Makueni County Senator Mutula Kilonzo Jr collapsed on Wednesday afternoon as he was having lunch at a Nandi hotel.

The Makueni Senator was rushed to hospital after First aid was administered.

According to reports, Senator Mutula collapsed after a morning session at the Nandi County Assembly.

Reports indicated that Senator Mutula was in the company of his colleagues Yusuf Haji, Susan Kihika, Enoch Kiio, Abshiro Halake, Lelegwe Ltumbesi, Mohamed Faki, Rose Nyamunga, Boniface Kabaka, Juma Boy, Kinyua Nderitu and Stewart Madzayo.

Reports reaching our news desk informed that the senator was choked by a piece of meat while eating at Eden Springs Hotel in Kapsabet town.

Senator Mutula was reported to have choked on food and later excused himself to go to the washrooms.

The Senate Seargent at Arms followed him and later walked him to a waiting car which rushed him to Nandi County Referral Hospital.

Luckily, doctors at the hospital managed to remove the piece of meat.

Those in the know revealed that the senator was given a banana to push down the rest of the food and help relax his muscles.

The Makueni senator was to be transferred to Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital.

Later the senator tweeted his progress stating: "I am well. I did not collapse."