IEBC Confirms That Some Kenyans Want to Deregister as Voters

Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Chairperson Wafula Chebukati addressing the media at Bomas of Kenya
Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Chairperson Wafula Chebukati addressing the media at Bomas of Kenya

A number of Kenyans dissatisfied with the country's voting system have gone a notch higher and are demanding their names be struck off the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) voters register.

Officials from IEBC on Wednesday, September 15, confirmed that they had received applications from some of the voters demanding deregistration.

Without disclosing the exact number, the Commission noted that it would respond to their requests within a span of two weeks.

Some of the applicants argued that they were dissatisfied by IEBC's handling of the August 9 election claiming that the exercise was shrouded in secrecy.

File photo of Kenyans in a queue waiting to cast their vote in a past election.
Kenyans in a queue waiting to cast their vote in a past election.

"They asked me why I want to exit and I gave them my reasons because they are not transparent yet they are using our taxes, it is better we get ourselves out. We are being liede to.

"The process is that you right a letter to the CEO of IEBC (Hussein Marjan) and attach a copy of your Identification card and an acknowledgement slip," Andron Nyaochi, one of the disgruntled voters told KTN News.

Constitution Lawyer Bobby Mkangi, however, cast doubt on the practicality of voters' deregistration from the system.

He explained that according to the Constitution, a person can only be deregistered after they pass away since a provision to allow deregistration at will may cost the commission a lot of money.

In an earlier interview with, Mkangi noted that any Kenyan citizen is at liberty to choose whether to take part in an election or not. 

"Unfortunately, as the law stands, there is no provision for this. A few months ago there were some Kenyans who went to court over this.

"A registered voter may however opt not to participate in an election. Kenya does not have compulsory voting like it is in Brazil (18-70yrs old) and Australia," Mkangi told

The lawyer further noted that the law should allow for citizens to register or deregister at will.

"I, however, think that there should be provision for a Kenyan who has registered as a voter, and who later feels that they do not want to continue to have the personality, to deregister," he added.

An image of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Marjan Hussein
An image of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Marjan Hussein