Ruto Begins Firing Half Govt Advisors, MP Angers His Bosses

Ruto CSs

Hello and welcome to the Evening Brief Newsletter where the firing season has begun.

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Time to Pack

After enduring immense dissent and countrywide rage, President William Ruto has decided that half of the advisers to all the 21 Cabinet Secretaries have to go. The CSs are safe for now.

In a letter dated July 8, Head of Public Service Felix Koskei told all CSs to assess their two advisers and submit the name of the one they would like to save. Leaving the other on the chopping board.

The letter was sent to all CSs, the Attorney General, Parliament, and Commissions among others.

Zoom In: Koskei noted that the reduction of the workforce was in line with President William Ruto's directive that the number of advisors in government be reduced by 50% with immediate effect.

What Koskei Said: "By dint of that Presidential Action, the number of advisors assigned to each Cabinet Secretary has been revised from two to one. Additionally, the number of personal staff attached to you will remain as set out in the Public Service Commission guidelines being two (2) staffers. Consequently, you are requested to assess the requirements of your office and indicate the advisor you would wish to retain to support you in the discharge of your portfolio mandate. Any advisors beyond the set threshold will be immediately phased out from the Public Service."

"Accordingly, and by way of this circular letter, you are directed to submit to the Public Service Commission the full name of the advisor to be retained, with a copy to this Office, by the close of business on Thursday, 11th July 2024," he added.

A section of Cabinet Secretaries in President William Ruto's Cabinet.
A section of Cabinet Secretaries in President William Ruto's Cabinet.

Catch Up Quick: Last week, President William Ruto revealed that there would be a probability of trimming the advisory board during an interview with journalists at State House.

At the time, the Head of State explained that his administration would ponder on who to let go in an effort to restore the public's trust in his government.

In a subsequent address to the public on July 5, Ruto outlined policy interventions aimed at ensuring that the sacrifices made by taxpayers are matched by fiscal discipline in the public service. The measures announced also sought to restore faith in public institutions by enhancing accountability, transparency, and strengthening good governance.

The Public Wrath: Over a duration of three weeks, the public took to the streets demanding radical changes within the government and publicly declaring their distrust in their leaders.

Part of their requirement was a reshuffle and subsequent firing of cabinet secretaries accused of incompetence or corrupt dealings.

Their Responses: Experts fathom that firing CSs is a risky dice for the President who, it is believed, appointed them as a political reward for their support, some of whom he will need in the next election cycle.

Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen, who has been a target, told the press that he is confident in his achievements over the last two years and will let his record speak for itself. A majority of the CSs have been silent.

Whereas all the CSs are safe for now, the purge season has begun and will be on the beat every step of the way. Follow our Whatsapp Channel here.

MP Sounds Off & Bosses Are Scorned

Daadab MP Farah Maalim is now a political orphan after a video clip surfaced of him allegedly asking Ruto to clamp down on Gen Z protesters.

The Origin: A video clip with an ethnic language surfaced in which the lawmaker's utterances were bordering on incitement. He allegedly said that were he the Head of State, he would 'slaughter 5000 Gen Z protesters.'

The Backlash: Immediately, a section of Kenyans demanded his arrest on condition that he made inflammatory statements.

His Defense: In a later interview with KTN News, Maalim claimed that the translation was inaccurate and the sequence of the video was edited.

Dadaab Member of Parliament Farah Maalim.
Dadaab Member of Parliament Farah Maalim.
Daily Nation

"It's all editing, cutting, and pasting, taking a word from here, another one from here and putting it together. There is a lot of nonsense there. It's Somalis basically who would do that because I weighed in on their politics. It's not the true picture," he said.

"The one thing I said is...when you say that you're taking over State House, you're occupying State House and you're occupying Parliament, two constitutional institutions that are a bedrock on the stability of the country and the democracy that we practice."

The Consequences: Yesterday, KTN News Journalist Ken Mijungu announced that the lawmaker was banned from ever appearing on his prime-time show, a move politicians exploit for popularity. “A lawmaker said this! A seasoned legislator. As a patriotic  Kenyan, I will never host him on my show again! Never.”

  • Today, the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) summoned Maalim to answer questions over his remarks. He is to present himself to NCIC offices on Thursday at 11:00 am. “Hon. Farah Maalim is required to appear before the Commission to assist with the aforementioned ongoing investigations. Failure to appear in person at the said place, date, and time, is an offense as provided under Section 63 (c) as read with Section 63 (e) of the NCI Act."
  • Boss Scorned: Wiper Party's National Executive Committee (NEC) resolved to kick out Maalim and called for his de-whipping from all leadership posts in Parliament and exclusion from the National Assembly speaker's panel. "Let it be known clearly that the Wiper Democratic Movement party distances and disassociates itself from these remarks," Wiper, headed by Kalonzo Musyoka, announced.
  • Maalim was also in the red for approving the Finance Bill 2024 and failing to honour the summons to appear for a disciplinary meeting.

Here are five other stories you should keep tabs on;

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This newsletter was written by Derrick Kubasu and edited by Brian Muuo.

Washington Mito contributed to the content.

Graphics prepared by Adongo Kyalo.

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