8 Strange Standards Used by Recruiters to Lock Out People From KDF

During the gruelling Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) recruitment exercises, many fail at first impression because of not having the right physique or a tough and enduring personality that the recruiters are looking for.

While most of the youth are kicked out of the recruitment exercises over a wide range of reasons, some, as revealed by sources in the military, are quite strange.

Here are some quite strange traits that officers find essential for a Cadet:

1. Light skinned

According to KDF standards, being light-skinned is associated with being soft and in a combat situation; the lightness gives a reflective surface that can give out the location to enemy combatants.

2. No Ringworms allowed

You are unfit to serve simply because you will spread the ringworms in the barracks.

3. Multiple scars

Having too many scars is a red flag to KDF recruiters as they could be an indication of criminal survivors of mob justice.

Also, soft skinned people are a big NO when put to KDF standards.

4. Having a rude face

Emotions are highly discouraged in the KDF. The army wants someone with a cool and measured temperament. Hot headedness or smirking will get you dismissed with immediate effect.

5. Pregnancy

The army will under no circumstance accept a pregnant lady. To check for this, the female recruiters will press hard on the woman’s stomach to make sure.

6. Two balls

Men on the other side are stripped and scanned to see if everything is in order. Men should have two balls. Later they are made to urinate in test tubes. Shyness will lead to downfall during this test.

7. High grades

Grades above the required D are frowned upon. Recruiters are biased against Bs and As as high grades are viewed as spoilers for those with lower grades.

8. Chubby cheeks and round butts

Those with any sign of chubbiness are viewed as sausage boys who will not handle the hardship in the wilderness.

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