SGR Train Travelling to Mariakani Hits Cow Killing it Instantly

A Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) train heading to Mariakani on Saturday knocked down a cow killing it instantly.

The cow was reported to have strayed onto the railway track after elephants destroyed the fence bordering the line.

Confirming the incident, an SGR official who sought anonymity told a local daily that the incident didn't affect the journey since the train proceeded to its destination.

"After knocking the cow, the train slowed down but continued with its journey to the station," the official stated.

He added, "Herders graze their animals in the area because the grass is greener on the other side of the line." 

This is the first accident to be reported regarding the SGR train since it was launched on May 31 by President Uhuru Kenyatta.

The train carries around 1200 passengers in one trip taking four to five hours to cover the distance between Nairobi and Mombasa.

[caption caption="The cow killed by SGR passenger train"][/caption]


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