President Uhuru Kenyatta's Bomet Rally Interrupted by Man Carrying Brooms

President Uhuru Kenyatta's recent rally in Bomet was momentarily interrupted by a man who bypassed security personnel insisting that he must speak to the President.

The man made his way through the gathered crowd towards the podium where the President was seated, stunning the bystanders with his courage.

The elderly man was carrying an assortment of brooms and flywhisks seemingly intending to sell the items to the prominent politicians who had gathered at the Bomet Green Stadium.

[caption caption="Man making his way through the crowd during President Uhuru Kenyatta's Bomet rally."][/caption]

The man managed to get a moment with the President despite the security official's efforts to keep him away.

[caption caption="Broom seller evading President Uhuru Kenyatta's security personnel."][/caption]

The President granted him an audience and he ecstatically shared his products with the President and other guests under the keen eye of the security officers.

[caption caption="Man interacts with President Uhuru Kenyatta under close monitoring by security officials."][/caption]

[caption caption="Overjoyed broom seller interacting with President Uhuru Kenyatta."][/caption]

The broom seller was also honoured with a moment of recognition in front of the Jubilee party supporters before being led away by the security officials.

[caption caption="Broom seller gets a moment of fame addressing Jubilee supporters."][/caption]

[caption caption="Broom seller being led away from the podium after interacting with President Uhuru Kenyatta."][/caption]