Unknown Details Emerge on IEBC CEO Ezra Chiloba

Unknown details about Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) CEO Ezra Chiloba have emerged indicating how he was raised up to become what he is today.

Speaking during an interview with The Nairobian, Chiloba’s aunt, Florence Nafula, explained how she personally worked to ensure that the IEBC CEO gets the necessary education since his parents were unable to pay his school fees.

She explained that Chiloba was a hardworking boy dispelling claims of him being a womanizer in his childhood.

“I eked a living by selling vegetable at the market to raise money to buy paraffin and soap for Chiloba. The boy was determined to excel and this motivated me to ensure there was paraffin for him to revise at night.

“On several occasions he helped me with the cooking and never waited for me to come back to prepare supper. He was not a womanizer and at no time did I see Chiloba with a girlfriend," the aunt stated.

[caption caption="Image of Chiloba's aunt Florence Nafula and their former house (Courtesy of The Nairobian)"][/caption]

Ms Nafula further noted that Chiloba grew up as a strong Christian, an Adventist who was humble and respectful.

Regarding his educational background, the IEBC CEO attended Mutua Primary School where the records indicate that he enrolled in 1985 and sat his KCPE in 1993 scoring 539 marks out of 700 marks.

One of Chiloba's teacher Mwalimu Adema stated that “ he was a bright, obedient and disciplined pupil. He was our school prefect and was not in the wrong”.

His high school bursar Reuben Barasa, on his part, revealed that Chiloba was one of the bright but needy students who often received a bursary.

The bursar noted that Chiloba was in charge of the Seventh Day Adventist church choir in the school, adding that though the school was unable to trace his 1997 results when Chiloba sat for his KCSE, he topped with an A- (minus).

[caption caption="IEBC Chair Wafula Chebukati and CEO Ezra Chiloba "][/caption]

Following his exemplary results, the IEBC CEO was admitted to the University of Nairobi School Of Law at Parklands from where he graduated in 2003 and five years later, earned a Master’s degree (Distinction) in Public Policy from the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary.

He is currently pursuing a Ph.D in Political Science and Government at the University of Nairobi.