Raila Reveals NASA's Plan After Uhuru's Inauguration

Opposition Leader Raila Odinga on Tuesday morning announced that the inauguration of President Uhuru Kenyatta does not make him a legitimate President.

Speaking during an interview with the BBC, Mr Odinga stated that President Kenyatta was an illegitimate Head of State adding that the National Super Alliance (NASA) will not recognize him.

Regarding the way forward, the former Prime Minister explained that his coalition would continue pushing for reforms in the electoral commission and the entire electoral process.

He explained that the coalition will mainly use civil disobedience in their push for reforms.

[caption caption="Opposition Leader Raila Odinga at a past interview"][/caption]

"We will ensure electoral justice. The struggle will continue through civil disobedience, demonstrations, and boycotts until there is electoral justice.

"We need to reform the IEBC and ensure an independent judiciary and the neutrality of security forces. We will use people's assemblies to push for major changes," Odinga stated.

The Opposition Leader made the remarks just a few hours before the swearing-in of President Kenyatta scheduled to happen at 10:00 am today at Kasarani Stadium.

At the same time, NASA is planning to conduct a parallel rally at Jacaranda stadium to conduct a memorial service in honor of their dead supporters despite a warning from the police banning the event.

On Monday, NASA lawyer Edwin Sifuna stated that he had notified the police of the gathering adding that the rally will proceed as scheduled.

[caption caption="File image of NASA Leaders at a Jacaranda rally"][/caption]

"We have on behalf of NASA notified Soweto and Embakasi Police Stations with a copy to Nairobi County Police Commandant Japheth Koome of the memorial service tomorrow. Attendees are encouraged to bring their Bibles," Sifuna stated.



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