Makueni Senator Mutula Kilonzo Plans to Have Kenyans Raise Flags in Their Homes

A new Bill sponsored by Makueni Senator Mutula Kilonzo Jr seeks to have patriotic Kenyans allowed to hoist the national flag in their homes.

The Bill endeavors to amend The National Flag, Emblems and Names Act to allow the public to fly the flag in their places of residence, work or business.

In an interview with, Senator Mutula stated that the flag is a symbol of National unity and should not be used to distinguish rank.

“Yes I proposed the amendment because the flag should not be used to distinguish people but rather it is a symbol of National Unity,” the Makueni Senator stated.

[caption caption="Senator Mutula"][/caption]

He further stated that the National Flag can be the one thing which will bring the country together since everyone can identify with it.

“I proposed this bill before the election in order to avoid the divisions we are going through at the moment. Every Kenyan identifies with the flag,” he affirmed.

Senator Mutula maintained that Kenyans should be allowed to hoist it when celebrating National events and even when the country is in mourning.

“Every Kenyan should be allowed to hoist the Flag during National events. When Harambee Stars is playing Kenyans should be allowed to raise the flag and celebrate them,” Senator Mutula stated.

“When the country is in mourning they should also be allowed to carry the flag and express that pain that the country is experiencing,” he argued.

[caption caption="The Kenyan National Flag"][/caption]

However, the only impediment to the motion would be if it undermines the authority or the reputation of the State.