Airport Locked Down After Plane Crash

All flights in and out of Wilson Airport have been suspended following a plane crash on Saturday.

A small aircraft crashed on Saturday but no casualties have so far been reported.

A rescue team swiftly landed on site as officials cleared the runway.

Unconfirmed reports indicate that the pilot sustained some injuries.

[caption caption="Passengers prepare to board a Cessna at Wilson Airport"][/caption]

Earlier this week, a plane flying from the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) to Cairo had to make an emergency landing in Khartoum.

This is after a passenger reported that he had information that a bomb was on board.

Turkish Airlines Flight 606 had 107 passengers on board.

A search conducted by security officials in Khartoum Airport confirmed that there were no explosives on the plane.

[caption caption="Planes at the Wilson Airport"][/caption]

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