Court Orders Emmy Kosgei's Brother to Pay Sh954,000

A Court has ordered Gospel artiste Emmy Kosgei's brother Meshack Kipkoech to pay Sh954,000 worth of money in 10 days.

This money was awarded to an accident victim whom he killed in a 2008 road accident along Barubgo- Mogitio road.

In an order signed before principal magistrte Bernard Mararo, he was directed to pay Mrs Chebet Kotete, mother to the deceased Mr Andrew Cheruiyot.

[caption caption="Meshack Kipkoech"][/caption]

His mother Rose Kosgei who was present during the court proceedings promised to ensure that the son will attend court as required.

"The amount is payable within 10 daysRose Kosgei shall stand surety to the adhered rules in Court," the Prinicipal Magistrate noted.

Mr Kipkoech was found liable of hitting and causing sudden death to Cheruiyot injuring and  in 2008 accident along Baringo 

The Court agreed to lift a jail term after he agreed to pay the amount.

[caption caption="Bishop Jackson Kosgei, Emm Kosgei and her mother"][/caption]

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