2 Things That Will Happen After Raila is Sworn in - NASA Announces

The National Resistance Movement (NRM) wing of the National Super Alliance (NASA) has explained what they plan on doing once Raila Odinga is sworn in as the People's President.

At a press conference at Okoa Kenya Headquarters on Wednesday, NRM General Miguna Miguna and Kakamega Senator Cleophas Malala laid out their plans.

Senator Malala, who recently came up with an affidavit to be signed by all NASA legislators recognizing Odinga as the duly-elected President, explained how the document would be put to use.

He explained that by signing the affidavit, the MPs as elected representatives had affirmed the wishes of their constituents.

[caption caption="Senator Cleophas Malala"][/caption]

"It is the same affidavit that we want to invoke Article 1 of the Constitution that all sovereign power belongs to the citizenry of Kenya.

First, NASA plans on presenting a petition to the United Nations, the African Union Assembly and European Union using the document which should be signed by all legislators. 

"We are going to process and file a petition before the United Nations Security Council using the affidavit, we are going also to file a petition to the African Union Assembly and the European Union," Malala explained.

The Senator further revealed that they would call on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate the alleged killings of NASA supporters.

"We are also going to ask the ICC to start investigating over the profiling and killing of NASA supporters," he stated.

Miguna Miguna, on his part, stated that the swearing-in was still on course and promised that at least one million people would be present.

He further declared that NASA supporters would not be intimidated by anyone, calling on them to stand their ground if anyone tried to attack them.

"This is my message to NRM members, you have a right to defend yourself if confronted or attacked," Miguna declared.

[caption caption="Miguna Miguna"][/caption]