What US is Waiting to See Kenyan Government do

United States Ambassador to Kenya, Robert Godec, reached out to the government on Monday and urged them to re-open TV stations that have been shut down.

In a message through his Twitter account, Ambassador Godec reminded the government that media freedom was fundamental for democracy to prevail.

"US again urges Gov’t of Kenya to allow TV stations to re-open. Free media is essential to democracy," Ambassador Godec noted.

The US Ambassador further maintained that the government ought to respect the Constitution and adhere to the rule of law.

[caption caption="Blank screens of leading television stations NTV, Citizen and KTN and a live K24"][/caption]

Godec was speaking after three of the country's top TV stations and a radio station were shut down by the government.

"So is adherence to the Constitution & the rule of law. Court orders must be respected," Godec stated.

Ambassador Godec further asked the government to respect court orders after the Communication Authority (CA) ignored a directive by the High Court to re-open the TV stations.

Days after the shut down of Citizen Tv, KTN News, NTV, Inooro TV and Radio Citizen, the State blocked delivery of court papers to CA.

The United Nations had also added its voice to international calls for the government to respect the Court's order and allow the TV stations resume transmissions.

[caption caption="Blank screens in the Gallery of Citizen TV"][/caption]

UN's human rights agency echoed earlier statements by the US and European Union urging the government to suspend its closure of the stations and uphold freedom of the press.