Interior Ministry Responds to Denying Miguna Entry to Kenya

The Government on Monday responded to reports that it had denied Self-declared National Resistance Movement (NRM) General Miguna Miguna entry to the country upon his return.

A standoff ensued at JKIA after immigration officials barred Miguna from exiting the airport clearance area unless he applied for a visa.

Nelson Havi, who is Miguna's lawyer stated that Miguna did not need a Kenyan visa to get back into the country where he was born.

"Miguna Miguna landed at 2:30 PM but has been denied re-entry until he applies for a Kenyan VISA. With a Kenyan ID, he does not require a visa or any condition to come back to his country of birth. There is no legal basis for the demand in view of the court orders.," he stated.

[caption caption="Miguna arriving at JKIA"][/caption]

On the other hand, through his official social media, Interior Ministry spokesperson Mwenda Njoka clarified that they had not denied the self-declared NRM General entry to the country.

"GoK has not denied Miguna Miguna entry into the country. Upon arrival at JKIA he was asked to present the passport he travelled in. He declined.

"It is a legal requirement and IATA regulation for travellers to show the documents they travelled in at the point of entry," he tweeted.

Miguna was adamant that he would not give in to the terms set by the government to have him return to the country.

"There is no way I will agree to what they are asking because what it does is that it waives rights that will never be restored. I know the mischief.

"I will not fall for the trick. If I was advising a client as an immigration lawyer, I would not do it. So why should I do it for myself?" he declared.

[caption caption="Lawyer Miguna Miguna with his lawyers at the JKIA"][/caption]