Raila Odinga's Easter Message Angers Kenyans

NASA leader Raila Odinga on Friday morning faced the wrath of Kenyans after sending out his Easter message.

Speaking on his behalf and of his family, Odinga wished all Kenyans from all walks of life and their families the Lord's blessings during the festivities.

The message posted on Facebook, however, did not go well with a majority of his supporters who did not spare unkind words to express their anger.

[caption caption="Raila Odinga's easter message"][/caption]

Majority of those who responded were erked by Raila's failure to secure freedom for the self-styled NRM General Miguna Miguna who was deported to Dubai on Wednesday night.

Many expressed that Easter would not be a reason enough to celebrate since they considered Miguna's life to be in danger.

Miguna was allegedly sedated before being transported to Dubai aboard an Emirates flight.

He was later taken-ill in Dubai where he communicated that he was unable to walk and was in pain while remaining adamant that he would fly out of Dubai only if his destination was Nairobi and not connection flights to Canada as per the deportation plan.

Others expressed their concern following the historical handshake reminding Raila that he had betrayed their faith, hope and trust in him.

Another group took the opportunity to warn Raila that their unwavering support for him would not be guaranteed in the future.