Joy Kinya, a self-confessed idle university student, penned a hard-hitting open letter to President Uhuru Kenyatta demanding that he take action concerning the perrenial lecturers' strikes that have crippled learning in public institutions.
In the letter that was originally posted to social media on Friday, Kinya noted that the ongoing lecturers' strike was the 4th to happen in a span of 15 months, a situation that had made it impossible to complete her studies within the set timelines.
She revealed that although she was supposed to do her final exam in April, she was yet to begin the January semester thanks to the protracted electioneering period and the latest dons' strike.
Hundreds of people online revealed that they could relate to her plight as they had faced the same challenges themselves.
Kinya further stated that it hurt to see students in private insitutions graduate much earlier than her despite them having joined university at the same time.
[caption caption="A section of the University of Nairobi (UoN)"][/caption]
She described the difficulty faced by students who kept moving between campus and their homes, constantly in a state of flux thanks to the haphazard shutting down of institutions and unexpected, long-lasting strikes by academic staff.
It was especially tricky, Kinya noted, for students who lived far away from the universities they studied at and were unsure of whether to stay in rented accomodation or head back home to avoid wasting money.
Kinya concluded her message to President Kenyatta by requesting him to intervene as the situation was getting out of hand.
"My life is in limbo sir. I want to complete my studies and graduate. I would not like to continue being a problem every 4 months so I hope for a permanent solution.
"I would not have written this letter if I was not idle sir. I believe you will address our situation urgently," Kinya wrote.