Miguna Miguna to Sue Gov't for Attempted Murder

Kenyans.co.ke has exclusively learnt that Miguna Miguna intends to sue the national government if toxicology reports in Canada confirm his allegations that he was drugged.

Speaking on phone, lawyer Nelson Havi disclosed that the legal team advised Miguna to return to Canada for the purpose of getting medical attention.

"We decided his health is the most important thing.

"If the toxicology tests show he was poisoned we will mount a serious legal challenge as it will be a case of attempted murder," Havi told Kenyans.co.ke.

[caption caption="Lawyer Nelson Havi"][/caption]

Miguna also released a statement after arriving in Canada on Monday. At the time he was at a hospital in Ontario getting tests done.

"I have arrived in Ontario, Canada in order to undergo specialized toxicology tests and medical treatment following my illegal and violent abduction, torture and chemical poisoning by the tyrannical Jubilee regime," Miguna's statement read in part.

He went on to outline that the media had opted to focus on his use of a Canadian passport to travel from Dubai while the real issues of his case were the way he has been treated by the government.

"On March 28, I was assaulted, drugged and forced out of Kenya unconscious. The issue here is not how I have travelled to get medical treatment or on what passport.

"The issue here is my abduction, assault, drugging and forceful removal by a rogue regime in defiance of more than 10 court orders!

"After my medical treatment abroad I intend to immediately return to Kenya and to continue the struggle for a better and just society that we Kenyans have been yearning for 55 years," the self-declared general stated.

[caption caption="File image of Miguna Miguna being attended at a Dubai hospital"][/caption]

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