Ruto Warns Schools Forcing Parents to Contribute in Harambees

Deputy President William Ruto has warned schools forcing parents to contribute in Harambees to stop immediately.

The DP was speaking at Murang'a High School on Friday where he stated that funds drives for school projects should be voluntary.

“Harambee must be voluntary and no parent should be compelled to give. Since the school (Murang'a High School) requires Sh35 million for development projects, an extra Sh2 million will be channeled from Ministry of Education,” noted Ruto.

He further pledged to buy a bus for the institution following complaints from the management that maintaining the old one was too costly.

[caption caption="Murang'a Woman Representative Sabina Chege, DP William Ruto and Murang'a Governor Mwangi Wa Iria"][/caption]

During the same event, Murang’a Governor Mwangi wa Iria accused some parents at the school of failure to use appropriate channels to raise their grievances over calls to participate in harambees.

Last month, the school's principal Willy Kuria was on the spot for asking parents to contribute Ksh40,000 towards a swimming pool project.

Most parents stated that the amount was more than they could afford and they were afraid that their children would be kicked out of school if they failed to pay.

They also revealed that the institution lacked proper accountability for the money which is paid to a separate account and had been asked to sign a commitment form

"We are often asked when we will settle the debt and it is a lot of money. We are given an account number where we deposit money but we never get receipts," stated one parent.

Later reports emerged that the administration rescinded the decision to force parents pay the money after public uproar.

It is alleged that in 2015 parents were also asked to give Ksh30,000 towards building a new tuition block.

In March, State House Girls, Nairobi, generated a buzz on social media after asking parents to sponsor their kids for a trip to Dubai.

A source from the school revealed that students who wished to participate would have to part with Sh100,000 for the trip to the United Arab Emirates later this year and that the amount will cater for air tickets, airport transfers and accommodation.

[caption caption="Murang'a High School Students"][/caption]