DP William Ruto Tells Jubilee Leaders to Stop Politicking

Deputy President William Ruto on Saturday issued a directive to all Jubilee leaders to stop engaging in politics and focus on delivering the promises they made during the August 2017 elections.

Speaking during the launch of the Mavuno Daima Dairy cooperative society in Olenguruone, Nakuru County, the Deputy President reiterated the president's call for unity in the party for the sake of the country.

“We have no political camps in our party. We are united and our aim is to bring the country together to eliminate tribalism, division and hatred as well as implement our development agenda for the people of Kenya.

“We have one team led by President Uhuru Kenyatta. The President has ordered that we stop politics because it is not the right time. For now, we must heed the President’s call and focus on development. That is what Kenyans elected us to do.

[caption caption="DP William Ruto speaking at Oleguruone after opening the Mavuno Dairy Farmers Sacco and Kiptagich KTDA Factory, Kuresoi South, Nakuru County"][/caption]

"The only debt we have as leaders for the people of Kenya is development. This is the opportunity for us to serve them because the time for politics is over," he conveyed.

He assured his supporters that he would win the 2022 presidency and urged the leaders in the region to work together.

“The leadership will get home. I only urge you to remain united. As leaders, we need to unite and forge a common development agenda for our people. Let’s put behind issues to do with politics because everything has it's time," DP Ruto stated. 

Leaders present at the function including Nakuru Governor Lee Kinyanjui pledged their support for DP Ruto in the 2022 presidential race.

Nominated MP David Sankok affirmed that they were fully behind Ruto, adding that the only vacancy was that of a running mate.

“We welcome the handshake between President Kenyatta and the opposition leader Mr Odinga. But he should know in our house, we already have a President, the only position vacant is that of deputy president,” Mr Sankok stated.

[caption caption="DP William Ruto speaking at Oleguruone after opening the Mavuno Dairy Farmers Sacco and Kiptagich KTDA Factory, Kuresoi South, Nakuru County"][/caption]