Miguna Miguna Reveals He Will Be Back on May 16

Self-styled National Resistance (NRM) leader Miguna Miguna on Saturday announced that he would be coming back to the country on May 16.

Through his social media, Dr Miguna declared: "I am returning to Kenya on May 16, 2018. I am a Kenyan citizen by birth.

"The High Court has ordered @FredMatiangi, @GKihalangwa, @JBoinnet and KInoti 13 times to issue me with a valid Kenyan passport and facilitate my return to Kenya as a Kenyan unconditionally."

[caption caption="Miguna Miguna"][/caption]

His announcement comes after the High Court set a deadline for his return earlier in April.

In a ruling delivered by Justice Chacha Mwita, the lawyer must be present in court on May 18 to testify in the ongoing case regarding his citizenship and controversial deportation.

Justice Chacha ordered that given that the next hearing of the case will involve oral testimony, the lawyer must be in court.

The judge further directed that the government should facilitate his return by issuing him with the necessary travel documents to ensure he is in court during the case hearing.

This ruling was in accordance to an earlier application by Miguna's lawyers who wanted the court to issue a directive to have him back in the country.

“This was a simple matter that should have been settled within a few minutes if the Government obeyed the court,” James Orengo argued on behalf of Miguna's legal team.

Miguna is challenging the Government’s decision to strip him of the Kenyan citizenship that saw him deported to Dubai.

[caption caption="Miguna Miguna"][/caption]

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