How Moses Kuria Plans to Save Mudavadi and Wetangula Political Careers

Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria plans to save the political careers of ANC Party leader Musalia Mudavadi and Bungoma Senator Moses Wetangula.

Kuria told the two NASA co-principals to support President Uhuru Kenyatta arguing that having only the Luhya community will not get them in State House come 2022.

The legislator maintained that he was ready to take Wetang’ula and Mudavadi to meet president Uhuru and shake hands.

“I challenged them to come on board in pursuit of a unity of purpose and I’m ready to take them to meet the president. Don’t be cheated that the Luhya unity will help attain the community’s presidential bid unless the leaders joined the rest of other Kenyans,” Kuria stated.

[caption caption="Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria"][/caption]

“Don’t isolate the Luhya community from the government of the day. Working with the government and other communities is a sure route to achieve the community’s presidential quest and this is workable,” he added.

The lawmaker admonished the two for criticizing NASA leader Raila Odinga whom they accused of betraying their political cause.

Kuria stated that it was needless for the two Luhya leaders to complain that the former Prime Minister had betrayed and sabotaged NASA’s political course and urged them to join the government.

“I’m asking Wetangula and Mudavadi to stop crying and making noise about political betrayal and Luhya unity. Let them join Raila and Kallonzo in supporting President Uhuru to deliver the much needed services to Kenyans,” the MP stated. 

He also defended the peace truce between president Kenyatta and Raila arguing that the handshake had cultivated peace and unity in the country. 

[caption caption="Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria"][/caption]

“Any right thinking Kenyan should not question why the two leaders shook hands. Their decision is laudable because the country is enjoying peace. This is the kind of environment we need for the prosperity of Kenyans,” the Gatundu South legislator maintained.