Kenya's Trending Topics on June 27, 2018

President Uhuru Kenyatta was on Wednesday compared to legend Argentinian footballer Diego Maradona shortly after he announced the nomination of former Kenya Power boss Ben Chumo to the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC).

Surprised - and partly appalled - by the president's appointment, a netizen suggested that Uhuru had behaved as erratically as Maradona did as the latter was captured in video and photos while watching the World Cup match between Argentina and Nigeria.

Here is the post that was shared on the topic "Maradona".

Kenyans joined the rest of the world in commenting on Maradona's public stunts captured on film that ended up with him hospitalised.

Many commentators attributed the unexpected behaviour to his publicised drug addiction.

He, however, later assured fans that he was out of danger and that he had not suffered a heart attack. He stated that "white wine" was to blame for the hospitalisation.

In particular, Kenyans took offence after the legend shot up the middle finger as he celebrated the win for his home team which they claimed was an insult to the African team.

Media personality Gidi Ogidi was trolled after he defended Maradona stating that it was mere celebratory enthusiasm.

Here are some comments that were shared.

Supreme Court

The Supreme Court trended on Wednesday after suspending a Court of Appeal ruling that had nullified the election of Dr Alfred Mutua as Machakos governor in August 2017.

The topic trended as various media houses and journalists shared the news.

President Kenyatta

President Kenyatta trended on Wednesday shortly after he nominated Dr Chumo to be the next SRC chairperson.

The new appointment was received with dissenting voices of some commentators who thought the former Kenya Power Managing Director was not the best pick.

Here are some of the comments that were shared.

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