Raphael Tuju Reveals Jubilee's Plan to Strengthen the Party

Jubilee Party Secretary-General Raphael Tuju has revealed that the Jubilee Party will make major announcements on plans to strengthen the party in the coming days.

According to Tuju, the party will be announcing its various party strengthening programs that include the launch of the "Party Academy". 

Speaking at the Party headquarters on Monday, Tuju who is also a Cabinet Secretary (CS) refuted the allegations of possible factions within the party.

"I would like to assure members that there is nothing even remotely close to a crisis in the party," the CS quipped.

[caption caption="President Uhuru Kenyatta addresses a Jubilee Parliamentary Group meeting"][/caption]

The Secretary-General further dismissed reports that the party will hold a Parliamentary Group (PG) meeting as alleged by media.

He further revealed that the decision to create a "Party Academy" was arrived upon following extensive consultations internationally which were approved by the party leadership. 

"The party is focused on delivery of the Big Four Agenda in order to secure the future and prosperity of Kenyans and give hope to the millions of our youth who must get meaningful jobs for their dignity.

"Tuju further alluded the possibility of a retreat program for the Jubilee MPs which he said was promised by President Uhuru Kenyatta in order to articulate the transformative agenda of the party and his second term as the President.

[caption caption="Jubilee Party Secretary-General Raphael Tuju"][/caption]

A "Party Academy" is meant to support civic, political and cultural education agenda in a party through hosting seminars, training courses, lectures, publications, and applied research.