Militants Attack Moyale Police Station

A combined security team comprising KDF, GSU's Recce and regular police are combing Sololo area in Marsabit searching for OLF militants after an unsuccessful attack at Qate AP camp.

The OLF fighters attempted to storm the camp demanding the release of one of them arrested by anti-terror police.

The militants destroyed ATPU's car by spraying it with bullets before leaving.

The attack comes barely four months after Al Shabaab attacked and killed five police officers in two security camps at Fino in Mandera County.

[caption caption="Ammunition that police had retrieved "][/caption]

Lafey Deputy County Commissioner Eric Oronyi stated the attack targeted both Kenya Police and Administration Police camps in Fino town.

“There was an attack on the two security camps at Fino and, as we speak, five officers are dead and three others injured,” the deputy commissioner remarked.

Oronyi maintained the attackers, numbering between 70 and 100, arrived on foot.

The attackers first trained their guns on a telecommunications mast in Lafey town, ostensibly to disable communication between the officers and their bosses, before storming the camps.

Kenya Police Reservists who guard the communication mast were overpowered by the heavily armed attackers.

[caption caption="Al Shabaab terrorist group"][/caption]

At the Kenya Police camp, three policemen sustained injuries and were waiting to be airlifted to Nairobi for specialized treatment.

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