Panic as 'Witchcraft' Paraphernalia is Found in Elgeyo Marakwet CEC's Office

Workers at the Elgeyo Marakwet county office discovered suspicious paraphernalia at an executive's office.

According to the County workers, the paraphernalia believed to be for sorcery purposes was found at Finance CEC Isaac Kamar’s desk.

Reports by The Star suggested that the paraphernalia comprised cowry shells and some items that are associated with witchcraft.

The incident caused a scare, temporarily paralyzing services as officials camped outside the office for hours in the afternoon.

[caption caption="Witchcraft paraphernalia found in Elgeyo Marakwet CEC's office"][/caption]

One of the workers suggested that the paraphernalia might have been sneaked in the items and left in the CEC's office without being noticed.

When contacted, Kamar maintained he did not know the origin of the paraphernalia and that he did not believe in witchcraft adding that the items could have been meant to scare staff.

"I can’t understand the motive but who believes in sorcery in the 21st Century," the CEC stated.

Meanwhile, in the same county, Police launched an investigation into a puzzling theft of a vehicle belonging to a county government official in broad daylight.

Keiyo North police boss Mwenda Meme stated that the owner of the car was out for lunch and upon return, he discovered the vehicle was missing.

[caption caption="Police officers on patrol"][/caption]

Timothy Kwambai, the owner of the stolen vehicle, stated that the vehicle’s number plate has been circulated as DCI continue pursuing the car thieves.

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