M-Pesa offers a lot of convenience including helping you avoid queues at the bank. Rather than physically visiting a bank branch, you can easily transfer money from your bank and your M-Pesa account.
Through your phone, you can transfer money from your mobile wallet to pay utility bills, pay for purchases and for money transfer. This you can do even when your bank is closed.
The first step is to register for mobile banking with your bank and register for M-Pesa at any agent outlet countrywide. Registration is Free.
With this, you can use the USSD code assigned to a bank to transfer funds on M-Pesa.
How to transfer money from M-Pesa to Cooperative bank
1) In the M-Pesa menu choose Lipa na M-Pesa
2) Use the “Pay Bill” option
3) Click on “Enter Business No” input the Co-operative bank paybill number which is 400222
4) In the “Account Number” section insert your Co-op account number.
5) Enter the amount you wish to deposit and press OK and key in your PIN:
6) Make sure you enter the correct details and you will receive a message confirming the transaction if successful.
How to transfer money from Cooperative bank account to M-Pesa
You can transfer money from Co-operative Bank to M-Pesa using two methods, USSD Code or the MCo-op Cash App
a) Using USSD
1) Upon activating mobile money on your account, you can use the USSD code *667#
2) Input your pin, if you have forgotten the pin, you can reset by pressing 1.
3) Select Send Money option
4) Choose M-Pesa, here you can choose either to your number or to another M-Pesa account.
5) Select the amount and confirm.
b) Using MCo-op Cash App
1) Visit the Google Play Store or App Store Search for the app and install it.
2) After the installation, input your details, which will work if you have activated activated mobile banking on your account by visiting your bank branch.
3) Launch the application and Log in using your PIN
4) Select Mobile Money
5) Select MPesa Enter the mobile number that will receive the money
6) Select the account you want to withdraw money from
7) Enter the amount to withdraw
8) Confirm the transaction
How to deposit money from M-Pesa to Equity bank
1) On the M-Pesa menu choose Lipa na M-Pesa
2) Use the “Pay Bill” option
3) Click on “Enter Business No” input the Equity bank paybill number which is 247247.
4) In the “Account Number” section insert your Equity account number.
5) Enter the amount you wish to deposit and press OK. Key in your PIN:
6) Make sure you enter the correct details and you will receive a message confirming the transaction if succeessful.
How to do a Bank to M-PESA transaction
This service is available via USSD (short) code.
You need to register for mobile banking or internet banking with your branch to get the shortcode to allow you move money from your bank account into your M-PESA account conveniently.
Simply dial the USSD number and follow the instructions (this menu is different for different banks)
How to do an M-PESA to Bank Transaction
This service is available via PayBill. Simply follow the following simple steps:
Go to M-PESA menu on your phone
Go to Lipa na M-PESA, PayBill option
Enter the banks business number (consult with your bank)
Enter account number which is your bank account number
Enter amount
Enter the M-PESA pin.
SMS confirmation received on phone
Codes for different banks
KCB Bank: USSD CODE *522# PAYBILL 522522
Co-operative Bank: USSD CODE *667# PAYBILL 400200
Standard Chartered Bank: USSD CODE *722# PAYBILL 329329
ABSA /Barclays Bank USSD CODE *224# PAYBILL 303030
Family Bank Ltd USSD CODE *325# PAYBILL 222111
CFC Stanbic USSD CODE *208# PAYBILL 600100
Equity Bank USSD CODE *247# PAYBILL 247247
National Bank USSD CODE *625# PAYBILL 547700
Chase Bank USSD CODE *275# PAYBILL 552800
I & M Bank Limited USSD CODE *458# PAYBILL 542542
Diamond Trust Bank (DTB) USSD CODE *385# PAYBILL 516600
Ecobank USSD CODE *335# PAYBILL 700201
Jamii Bora Bank USSD CODE *344# PAYBILL 529901
Credit Bank USSD CODE *699# PAYBILL 972700
Consolidated Bank LTD USSD CODE *262# PAYBILL 508400
Equatorial Commercial Bank USSD CODE *286# PAYBILL 498100
Transnational Bank USSD CODE *862# PAYBILL 862862
Post Office Savings Bank USSD CODE *498# PAYBILL 200999
Gulf African Bank USSD CODE *399# PAYBILL 985050
Housing Finance Company Ltd USSD CODE *231# PAYBILL 100400
Bank of Africa (BOA) USSD CODE *987# PAYBILL 972900
UBA Bank USSD CODE *368# PAYBILL 559900
Guardian Bank USSD CODE *356# PAYBILL 344500
Prime Bank APP PAYBILL 982800
Guaranty Trust Bank APP PAYBILL 910200