Missing a Land File From Ardhi House, Registries? Here is How to Recover It

President Uhuru Kenyatta and CS Farida Karoney issuing title deeds to Coast residents
President Uhuru Kenyatta and CS Farida Karoney issuing title deeds to Coast residents

The digitalisation of land documents through the Ardhisasa platform saw many Kenyans raise concerns over the increasing cases of missing files in various registries.

In the past, the issue of missing files had been blamed on cartels at the Ardhi House, compelling the government to introduce the Ardhisasa platform.

Land Cabinet Secretary Farida Karoney, on Wednesday, August 3, explained that the files had gone missing due to the transition phase from the manual system to the digital system, Ardhisasa.

Ardhisasa is an online platform that allows Kenyans, other stakeholders and interested parties to interact with land information held and processes undertaken by government.

Land CS Farida Karoney appearing before the Senate Devolution Committee on Thursday, March 10.
Land CS Farida Karoney appearing before the Senate Devolution Committee on Thursday, March 10.

It was developed jointly by the Ministry of Land and Physical Planning (MoLPP), the National Land Commission (NLC), and key partners in Government. 

It allows lodging applications for various services offered by the ministry and the lands commission. The applications are handled through the platform, and responses are presented.

Karoney explained that the ministry would work with land owners to solve the problem.

How to Recover Lost Files

According to Karoney, Kenyans can recover lost files through the Electronic Document Management Platforms.

"If your file is missing you can now download it on Electronic Document Management Platforms," advised Karoney.

However, for the replacement of title lost title deeds, the process is different. One is expected to present an original national identity card, copy of the KRA pin certificate, a police abstract and a copy of the title deed or at least the title deed's number.

After obtaining a police abstract, one is expected to apply for a search of the lost title deed. An affidavit is also expected to be presented. An affidavit is a statement written by an individual that is sworn to be true. 

The registered owner, therefore, needs to swear an affidavit explaining where, when, and how the title deed got lost or destroyed.

A landowner is then expected to place a caveat to protect the land from illegal transactions. This is done by placing a notice to the court, judge, and ministry of lands opposing certain acts in reference to the title deed. 

The Ministry of Lands then publishes the landowner's name in the Gazette notice once satisfied with the information provided.

This allows the processing of the new title deed to begin.

A signage warning buyers from purchasing land
A signage warning buyers from purchasing land.
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