Story Behind No Shave November, Origin & Importance

No Shave November is a month-long campaign that seeks to raise awareness about cancer
No Shave November is a month-long campaign that seeks to raise awareness about cancer
The Gentleman's Beard Club

Every year, Kenyans join the world in observing No-Shave November, an awareness-raising campaign against cancer that urges participants to embrace their hair. 

Throughout the month, men allow their hair to grow wild and free and donate the money they typically spend on grooming themselves. 

The money raised during the campaign is used to educate about cancer prevention, save lives, and provide aid to patients. 

No Shave November originated in 2009 in the United States, started by members of the Matthew Hill family after he succumbed to colon cancer.

Various photos shared as part of a viral challenge inspired by journalist James Smat (far left)
Various photos shared as part of a viral challenge inspired by journalist James Smat (far left)

The family created a website whose goal was to grow awareness by embracing hair, which cancer patients lose while undergoing chemotherapy. 


No Shave November is significant because it aims to boost early cancer detection, examination, and efficient treatment, which eventually helps reduce the number of deaths.

Today, facial hair is a matter of pride for most men, with most wishing to have a full beard as a sign of appearing more masculine.

Below are a  few tips for any Kenyan looking to participate in No-Shave November:

Regularly Wash and Oil Your Beard

Regular oiling and washing of the beard will for sure help you grow a healthy beard.

This will also help you ensure that your beard looks good.

Use a round brush with fine fine-tooth to style your beard

Avoid brushes that are likely to harm your skin by pulling out your facial hair.

Sultana Actress Winfred Bwire Ndubi popularly known as "Dida"
Sultana Actress Winfred Bwire Ndubi popularly known as "Dida"

Using a round brush with fine fine-tooth ensures that your beard remains smooth and presentable.

Use a beard styling cream to keep your beard in place

There are many beard-styling creams on the market today.

Ensure that the styling cream you select does not cause any allergic reactions to your skin.

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