Govts Slashes Ksh13,000 From Kindergarten Teachers' Salaries

Teachers and parents celebrating good performance at a school
Teachers and parents celebrating good performance at a school

Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) Teachers are up in arms after the government significantly reduced their salaries. 

While protesting the reduction in the salary, both teachers and county administrators warned the government of low morale among ECDE Teachers. 

ECDE Teachers' minimum pay was slashed after the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) directed county governments to reduce it from over Ksh20,000 in some counties to Ksh7,836.

"This amounts to a Ksh13,000 reduction, which is significant for the already poorly paid ECDE Teachers," the Kenya County Governments Union (KCGWU) statement read. 

Teachers at a past demonstration in Nairobi County.
A photo of teachers at a past demonstration in Nairobi County.

Kenya County Governments Union (KCGWU), as a result, threatened to go to court over claims that they were not consulted and there was no participation. 

“As you are aware, this union represents the Early Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) teachers on matters Labour, and at no given time was the union consulted in coming up with the grading and salary structures which is totally against the law," KCGWU Secretary General Roba Duba explained. 

Duba asserted that SRC was out to impoverish Kenyan teachers who are already reeling under the heavy burden of economic crisis. 

Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) conducted the salary review after receiving a request from the Council of Governors. 

In response to the request, SRC directed Governors to pay Ksh7,836 to the lowest-ranked ECDE teachers while the highest, Senior ECDE Teacher I (Diploma), should receive a minimum salary of Ksh15,224 and a maximum of Ksh19,090.

Duba further revealed that Vihiga, Homa Bay, Kisii, and West Pokot already made a move to implement SRC recommendations. 

The Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) developed a new salary structure based on the results of job evaluation.

According to SRC’s CEO, Anne Gitai, the commission conducted consultative meetings with relevant stakeholders before making the recommendations. 

"Rescind the said circular and ensure all the stakeholders are brought on board and that the process is satisfactory and transparent to ensure the rights of the ECDE teachers are well protected as required by law," KCGWU Secretary General Roba Duba noted. 

Teachers Respond to Court Order Suspending Strike in 2015
Teachers Respond to Court Order Suspending Strike in 2015