Ngunjiri Wambugu Reveals Details of Gachagua Meeting With Mt Kenya Leaders

Deputy President (DP) Rigathi Gachagua (right) shakes hands with former Nyeri Town MP Ngunjiri Wambugu (left) at the official deputy president’s residence in Karen, Nairobi, on May 27, 2023.
Deputy President (DP) Rigathi Gachagua (right) shakes hands with former Nyeri Town MP Ngunjiri Wambugu (left) at the official deputy president’s residence in Karen, Nairobi, on May 27, 2023.

Former Nyeri Town Member of Parliament Ngunjiri Wambugu on Sunday, May 28, revealed why he was among 12 former Jubilee Party MPs from Central Kenya who visited Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua on Saturday, May 27.

Wambugu revealed that the Jubilee party faction, the former MPs support was committed in working with Kenya Kwanza government.

“The Jubilee party faction that we support recognizes William Ruto as president of Kenya and we accepted the 2022 general elections results and we want the country to move forward,” he stated. 

Wambugu revealed that they discussed with the deputy president on how the party can work with President William Ruto's government.

Deputy President (DP) Rigathi Gachagua (centre) meets 11 former legislators from the twelfth Parliament from the Mt. Kenya region at the official deputy president’s residence in Karen, Nairobi, on May 27, 2023.
Deputy President (DP) Rigathi Gachagua (centre) meets 11 former legislators from the twelfth Parliament from the Mt. Kenya region at the official deputy president’s residence in Karen, Nairobi, on May 27, 2023.

“The deputy president was willing to listen to us as Jubilee Party and urged us to give our ideas on how to improve the way government was working in serving Kenyans,” Wambugu confirmed. 

He added that Jubilee party was not dead and they were planning to reach out to grassroots leaders and members of the party.

“We are organizing to engage in grassroots sensitization forums and ask party members which faction they support,” he stated.

The former Nyeri Town MP criticized the Jeremiah Kioni-led faction for not recognizing the presidency of William Ruto.

“We have a faction within Jubilee party that has decided they will not allow our party to move past the 2022 elections. They spent every public moment selling the false narrative that Azimio won the 2022 general elections,” read part of Wambugu’s statement.

He added that the other faction was riding on Uhuru Kenyatta’s name without considering that soon, the former president may choose to hand over party leadership to someone else.

“The other group only rotate around Uhuru name, they cannot do anything without mentioning Uhuru name but one day Uhuru will hand over the party, will they also follow him,” he stated.

He raised concern over the bipartisan team, arguing that Jubilee Party was not represented in the team, despite being the third largest party in the country.

“I specifically point out the stupidity of Jubilee still insisting on how we are firmly in Azimio and do not recognize Ruto as President, whilst our colleagues in ODM and Wiper are actively negotiating with president Ruto in bipartisan talks and trying to influence how Kenya Kwanza would work in their favour,” he stated. 

He added that Jubilee risks getting nothing if the bipartisan talks end in fruitful conclusion as Wiper and ODM were pushing agenda for their parties to benefit.

Wambugu’s remarks emerge after former President Uhuru Kenyatta on May 22, cracked the whip on errant Jubilee members who he claimed were disloyal to the party.

Speaking at Ngong Racecourse during the party's National Delegates Convention (NDC), Uhuru noted that such members contravened the party constitution by promoting the agenda of other political parties outside the Azimio la Umoja coalition. 

Through Jubilee's Secretary-General Jeremiah Kioni, the party leader kicked out the following members from their various positions; Jimmy Angweny, Former Buuri MP Boniface Kinoti Gatobu, Naomi Shaban, Nelson Dzuya, Joshua Kutuny, Mutava Musyimi and East African Legislative Assembly MP Kanini Kega.

Rachael Nyamaye, Advice Mundalo, Executive Director Wambui Gichuru and Joel Kibe were also axed.

President Uhuru Kenyatta attends Jubilee Party NDC at Nong Race Course on Monday, May 22, 2023.
Former President Uhuru Kenyatta attends Jubilee Party NDC at Ngong Race Course on Monday, May 22, 2023.
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