Rescue Operations Underway After Building Under Construction Collapses in Eastleigh

A collage of a building collapsing in Eastleigh on December 2, 2023
A collage of a building collapsing in Eastleigh on December 2, 2023

At least four people are feared dead after a storey building under construction collapsed in Eastleigh on Saturday.

According to eyewitnesses, some of the affected individuals were construction workers at the site.

Following the incident, locals rushed to the scene to help rescue some of the victims. About six more were injured.

"At least four workers succumbed to injuries after a building under construction collapsed in the Eastleigh area. The incident occurred along Muratina Road this afternoon as the workers were busy on-site, " the Red Cross Nairobi branch reported. 

Nairobi police boss Adamson Bungei
Nairobi police boss Adamson Bungei during an interview with Journalists.
National Police Service

Additionally, Nairobi County police boss Adamson Bungei confirmed the incident adding that rescue operations were underway to save those under the rubble.

Bungei added that some of the victims were rushed to the hospital while the deceased were taken to the morgue as investigations commenced to unravel the cause of the collapsed building.

The police boss emphasised that despite all the workers on duty being accounted for, rescue operations would continue in case a resident was trapped under the rubble.

The building set to be a residential apartment started to tear apart with some materials falling to the ground.

While the building was under construction, a section of Kenyans complained that the workers had blocked the drainage system with some of the construction materials.

They also pointed out that the construction was disrupting traffic along the Muratina road in the estate.

This case comes barely a week after another building also under construction collapsed in Kirinyaga County raising questions on how buildings are approved for construction and materials used. 

Kenyans have urged the relevant authorities to tighten the noose on approval of construction across the country while contractors have been urged to avoid using substandard materials.

A photo of a three-storey building which collapsed in Kirinyaga on November 28, 2023.
A photo of a three-storey building that collapsed in Kirinyaga on November 28, 2023.
Inooro TV
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