Tanzanian Caretaker Flees, Leaves Behind Body of 78-Year-Old Woman in Migori

A police van at a crime scene in Mosoriot, Nandi county.
A police van at a crime scene in Mosoriot, Nandi county.

Police in Migori County have initiated investigations into the death of a 78-year-old woman who was found dead in the compound of her home in Akoko Village on Monday.

According to reports, the body was found lying on the ground by the deceased's grandson when he came back home for his routine lunch break.

Confirming the incident to the press, the area's Assistant Chief John Otieno said that the police have narrowed down to the deceased's Tanzanian caretaker as the main suspect in the case. 

By the time of reporting the matter, the motive behind the murder was still unclear. Otieno did however reveal that the deceased was in high spirits in the morning when she interacted with her grandson.

Undated police crime scene tape.
A police crime scene tape.
CGA Solutions

The assistant chief also revealed investigations by the police show that the deceased struggled with her killer before her eventual death.

A manhunt has since been launched for the suspect who is still at large.

While addressing the press, the assistant chief further revealed that the deceased's family knew very little about the suspect. A background check was not conducted before his hiring neither did the family request him for copies of his official documents.

As such, he used this as a basis to ask residents to be vigilant when hiring employees working at their homes.

This comes after a 4th Year Student was found dead in Embu on Friday, February 16. The student had been reported missing a few hours before by his relatives.

The deceased's father told journalists that he was called by officials from Embu Level V Hospital and told that his daughter had been admitted to the facility nursing a head injury.

Unfortunately, the lady passed away five minutes after admission meaning that he could not spend the last moments with his daughter and only confirmed that it was indeed her body.

Moments later, he received a call from Embu Police Station with officers informing him that his late daughter had been in the company of a secondary school deputy principal before she passed away.

Police officers arrive Gwa-Kairu in Ruiru in Kiambu County on January 17, 2024.
Police officers arrive Gwa-Kairu in Ruiru in Kiambu County on January 17, 2024.
Inooro FM
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