Fact Check: Truth About NTSA's DL Renewal Service Missing on eCitizen Portal

A fleet of NTSA-branded vehicles and the home page of eCitizen.
A fleet of NTSA-branded vehicles and the home page of eCitizen.

A section of motorists on Thursday morning, February 22, raised concerns about the inability to access several National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) services through the eCitizen portal.

The motorists shared photos on their social platforms, highlighting that the Driving Licence renewal service was missing on their dashboards.

Some expressed frustrations over the issue and urged NTSA to address the matter before the expiry period lapses.

A screenshot showing the NTSA services on the eCitizen platform.
A screenshot showing the NTSA services on the eCitizen platform.

"It seems the DL renewal is not on the NTSA portal. Mine expires today."

"Mine expires next month and I know I will have the same issue. Please share information," read some of the comments online.

However, a spot check by Kenyans.co.ke shows that the dashboard shared by the motorists matches the old NTSA platform.

On the eCitizen portal, the government has shared links to all agencies to offer Kenyans ease of access to the respective services. 

In the case of NTSA, a motorist is presented with two options: firstly, there is the old platform, which consolidates functions related to the application for KG number plates (used for imported cars whose plates are not ready), foreign vehicle permits, and motor vehicle registration, among others.

Secondly, the new platform offers essential NTSA services including driving school management, application for number plates, and motor vehicle registration among others.

To get the updated services on the NTSA platform, click the new platform and they will be directed to their profiles consisting of their details.

On the status of the driving licence, there is a tab indicating 'Renewal'.

Once you click, you will be directed to the DL renewal platform.

On January 1, 2024, NTSA migrated all its services from the Transport Integrated Management System (TIMS) portal to the eCitizen site in line with President William Ruto's directive to consolidate all government services on one platform.

Following the move, motorists including second-hand car dealers raised an alarm of experiencing delays in accessing the services owing to a system hitch.

NTSA smart driving licence
NTSA smart driving license
Sahara Technologies