Boda Boda Rider Found Murdered In Maize Field

Residents of Mbiruri Village in Embu are trying to solve the mystery of the death of a boda boda rider whose body was found dumped in a maize farm.

Family and friends were shocked when the body of 30-year-old Simon Mungendi Kirare was found with multiple injuries in the plantation.

The deceased who works in Runyenjes, is believed to have been attacked by thugs who made away with his brand new motorcycle.

His body was taken to Runyenjes Sub-District Hospital mortuary.

Several people who work as boda boda riders in the country have faced the same fate over the past few months.

The killings have been attributed to the time they conduct their businesses with some working late into the night.

Reports indicate that most killings and muggings of these riders have occurred at night.

Speaking to Citizen Tv, area Police Commandant Charles Machinji urged the riders to avoid working at night for their own safety.

See Also Student’s Body Found in Bungoma Market

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