Kathmandu Miracles; Teenager Found Alive 5 Days Later

It was a rare moment of sunshine amid the dark cloud that has hit Nepal since the Saturday night earthquake when a 15 year old boy was rescued from the rubble that had buried him for 5 days.

Pema Lama, had been buried under the collapsed 7 story Hilton Hotel building for over 120 hours and the rescue team worked for hours before reaching him.

Crowds cheered as he was finally pulled out and laid on a stretcher, dazed and unable to talk. He was taken away for medical assistance immediately after.

According to The Mirror, Andrew Olvera who is heading the team from USAID said the boy had been "pancaked between collapsed floors"

In what has been termed the worst disaster to have hit Nepal, the earthquake has killed approximately 4500 people and the rescue teams taken to the ground continue the frantic search for more people who might be trapped under collapsed buildings.

There have been other surprising rescues in the tragedy that killed thousands and spared a few, albeit in the most unusual of circumstances including an 11 year old girl and a four months baby among others, but the 5 day miracle has been the most publicized and is doing round on you tube.

You can watch the rescue operation here: 


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