Kabogo Corners DP William Ruto Allies Over Corruption

Former Kiambu Governor William Kabogo has put politicians allied to Deputy President William Ruto to task over their perceived opposition to a lifestyle audit.

Speaking on KTN News, Kabogo tasked Gatundu South Member of Parliament Moses Kuria to explain why they were developing cold feet in the renewed fight against corruption.

"When they say the DP is the one being targeted by the lifestyle audit, what are they telling Kenyans?" Kabogo posed to Ruto's allies.

[caption caption="Former Kiambu Governor William Kabogo"][/caption]

"Are they saying the DP is corrupt? Are they saying he has money he cannot account for?" he pondered on the motive behind the alleged resistance by the DP's camp towards President Uhuru Kenyatta's lifestyle audit calls.

Reiterating his support to Uhuru's spirited war against corruption, Kabogo proposed that an executive by the President was enough basis to carry out the audit exercise.

"You declared your wealth last term before elections, why don't we assess you now. What did you own now that you didn't own then?" the former Kiambu County boss proposed the audit's implementation methodology.

Kabogo equally pleaded with the President to ensure that the war against corruption is carried to fruition.

"Let the president leave us a legacy of a corrupt free nation," he noted opining that it would be a more remarkable achievement than the Big Four Agenda.

He further weighed in on the debate of developing factions within the Jubilee Party indicating that if there is no problem, its Kipchumba Murkomen creating the problem.

"Why is he saying people around the president are trying to block Ruto’s bid?" Kabogo questioned Murkomen's motive.

[caption caption="William Kabogo with President Uhuru Kenyatta"][/caption]

Expressing his distaste over the ongoing corruption scandals, Kabogo concluded that the looting spree trend "is the worst thing that can happen in any country".

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