Matiang’i Fires 28 Corrupt Immigration Officers, Deports 60 Foreigners

On Friday, Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang'i fired 28 immigration officers involved in corruption.

The officers were involved in issuance of passports without due diligence.

It was also reported that they received ‘kickbacks’ to hasten the process.

The Interior Ministry further announced that it had deported 60 foreigners who were in the country without proper immigration documents.

Matiang'i mentioned that some of the foreigners pretend they are married to Kenyans yet they are drug peddlers.

“Drug dealers have come to Nairobi and confused our girls... marriage must be proved by law. This nonsense has to come to an end.

"They have been pretending that they have papers and we are going to continue to deport more. These people are hiding in restaurants here in Kenya," he remarked while addressing regional security heads.

The CS asked parents and guardians to ensure they protect their children who are allegedly married to the foreigners.

“If your marriage is less than three years you must have a work permit. These foreigners saying they are married are just cohabiting with our girls. They use our girls as mules who carry drugs," he exposed.

Matiang’i revealed that operations to smoke out the drug dealers in Nairobi will start tonight.

In June, the government indicated it would deport foreigners linked to importation of contraband goods and illegal trade in the country and those without proper documentation.

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