Abel Mutua

Abel Mutua is a scriptwriter, actor and content creator who is a popular household name in Kenya known for his acting in the famous series Tahidi High where he played the role of Freddie.

Mutua was the script writer in various popular Kenyan shows like The Real Househelps of Kawangware, Hapa Kule News and Anda Kava.  

In 2022, Mutua wrote the script for the Kenyan action movie Click Click Bang which broke the Kenyan premiere ticket sales.

Mutua disclosed that the premier screen sales totaled Ksh2.5 million with 2,500 people attending the premier.

The movie is under the production house Phil-it Productions where Mutua is a co-founder with his friend Philip Kariuki.

He also does online storytelling on his YouTube page, which has over 300,000 subscribers.

He has various series on his page which include, Young and Stupid, Headline Hitters, Celebrity First Encounters and Stories of My Life.