Health PS Responds to Concerns on NHIF Cards Ahead of SHIF Rollout

NHIF building in Nairobi.

Health Principal Secretary Mary Muthoni on Sunday, June 9 addressed concerns raised on whether the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) cards are still eligible for use ahead of the Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF) rollout.

Muthoni who was speaking during a church service in Kirinyaga County emphasised that the fund was active and still offering support to Kenyans with the cards.

He added that the fund will be functional until the government rolls out the Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF) which is set to replace NHIF.

"Some Kenyans have suffered for a long with NHIF in place, that is why President William Ruto passed this scheme to help the ordinary Kenyan without a job or with a limited income access better healthcare," she added.

Health PS Mary Muthoni (in a green checked reflector) engaging with health officials on May 18, 2024.
Health PS Mary Muthoni (in a green checked reflector) engaging with health officials on May 18, 2024.
Ministry of Health

The PS emphasised that the new healthcare fund was meant to incorporate all Kenyans from high-income earners to low-income earners.

She added that SHIF will see to it that high-income earners will pay more. Per the new regulations, Kenyans will be required to pay 2.75 per cent of their gross salaries.

She added that it will offer better services to all Kenyans, especially those suffering from chronic diseases. Muthoni remarked that the fund will now cater for the expensive medical treatment required by patients.

"We want it to be accessible to Kenyans who have no jobs. We do not want anyone to be sent back home when they go to the hospital if they do not have the money," she reiterated.

All SHIF deductions are expected to begin on July 1 after the President enacted the four healthcare bills in October 2023. Ruto noted that with the new act, Kenyans will pay as low as Ksh300.

"We have a law that established the Critical Illness Fund, which will be used to meet the cost of illness such as cancer. No Kenyan will have to sell his property to pay medical bills," Ruto stated in March.

Kenyans will be required to register afresh to access the services in the new healthcare regulations.

Notably, the fund has faced several challenges including court orders and opposition from Kenyans. Late  last year, the court  froze implementation of the Social Health Insurance Act, of 2023.

The court orders were lifted in January 2024.

President William Ruto at State House in May 2023.
President William Ruto at State House in May 2023.