Witch-doctors Invade the Country as Politicians Seek Their Blessings

Religious leaders have raised alarm over the increasing number of witch-doctors who have invaded the country ahead of elections.

Speaking to a local newspaper in his office, Bishop Thomas Wakala of Jesus Celebration Centre revealed that witch doctors are currently enjoying booming business, with Kenya emerging as the leading destination for the 'magicians'.

According to Mr Wakala so lucrative is the business that a good number of the sorcerers have crossed into the country from Tanzania to meet the growing demand for their services.

The preacher disclosed that in Malindi, the witch-doctors have taken over, with politicians streaming to them to obtain "blessings" ahead of the coming elections.

Kenyan politicians are known to employ any manner of tricks to win elective seats and this is just one of the unorthodox ways.

The Bishop also advised Kenyans not to accept food and gifts from politicians as it may have been subjected to rituals from the underworld.

In a recent interview with a Kenyan newspaper, Mr Quick Kanyamasyo, a witch doctor, revealed that the business is lucrative, disclosing that on a good day, he can attend to 300 clients.

"The politicians have started coming and the number will increase when the campaigns intensify," he disclosed.

Kanyamsyo also revealed that prominent politicians have sought his services but declined to mention them.