Ian Kinuthia: The Man Who Took 'Githeri Man' Photo

Photos of Martin Kamotho aka 'Githeri Man' lit the internet this week and he was hailed for uniting Kenyans at a time when there was a lot of tension due to the elections.

Many sought to know the man who took the photo that became an instant hit.

Ian Kinuthia revealed that he is the one who took the photo while queueing up to vote.

[caption caption="The now popular Githeri man photo"][/caption]

While speaking to NTV, Kinuthia revealed that he woke up very early to vote and after he cast his ballot, he went home and came back to queue for his ailing mother.

He took the photo during his second trip.

"I woke up at 4am and queued for 3 hours before voting. I left the polling station and came back to queue for my mum who is ailing.

"I started interacting with people and I noticed a man who had githeri in a polythene bag.

"I decided to take a photo and shared it with my friends," he revealed.

[caption caption="Photo of Ian Kinuthia, Courtesy of NTV"][/caption]

The Form Four leaver also stated that he was slightly worried after he realised the photo was being shared widely and even deleted it from his phone, lest authorities come looking for him.

"I was worried that I would be arrested for sharing someone's photo without their consent.

"I did not want anyone to know I took the photo but later I felt happy that it united Kenyans," he said.

Kinuthia, who is hoping to join University, revealed that he would like to pursue a career in journalism.

Here is the video courtesy of NTV:


Also read: 'Githeri Man' Martin Kamotho Found in Kayole

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