How Mzee Jomo Kenyatta Was Attacked in a London Street

Kenya's founding president, the late Mzee Jomo Kenyatta was at one time wrestled to the ground on a London street.

This incident occurred when he visited Britain during the Commonwealth Prime Minister's Summit in July 1964.

Kenyatta was making his way through the lobby of the Hilton Hotel in London and as he entered his Daimler outside the hotel, a young physician’s clerk ran towards him, bumped a policeman and jumped on the 74-year old Kenyan leader.

The policeman turned and grabbed the assailant, and all three men fell on the car, denting it on the side and damaging the hinges on the open door.

The chauffeur, the policeman and a bodyguard overcame the assailant and had him arrested.

[caption caption="Scene outside Hilton Hotel after the attack"][/caption]

According to US Historian Mary Dudziak's book, Exporting American Dreams: Thurgood Marshall's African Journeys, the attacker, Guy Alan Webster of the Greater Britain Movement, had fellow member John Hutchyns Tyndall, shouting into a megaphone, "Kenyatta, go back to Africa!"

"This is the man who murdered our white brethren in Africa."

Kenyatta had Taekwondo skills and managed to defend himself before his security detail took control of the situation.

Webster was later sentenced to a short jail term.

This wasn’t the first time that British extremists had directly targeted Kenyatta.

While on a visit to London for the Lancaster Conference in 1962, he had been pelted with rotten eggs by white extremists holding placards that read “HANG KENYATTA.’

Some reports claim he was pelted with fresh ones as he went in and rotten ones while he left.



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