Police Boss Beaten during NASA Demos in Vihiga

Vihiga Deputy OCS and two other police officers have been injured after a group of rowdy youth staged demonstrations in Vihiga County.

The officers were beaten up after their colleagues who were deployed to help contain the protests mistook them for demonstrators.

Vihiga County Referral Hospital Medical Superintendent, Dr Emmanuel Ayodi, stated that the three officers were treated for minor injuries and discharged.

The demonstrations started after youth claimed that there were marked ballot papers in a vehicle belonging to a local businessman who owns a supermarket in Majengo Town.

While confirming the incident, Western Regional Police Commander Moses Ombati stated that the group damaged the vehicle badly and threatened to torch the supermarket.

The youth also barricaded the Gisambai-Majengo road and lit bonfires.

[caption caption="Youth damage a vehicle belonging to a businessman in Vihiga County"][/caption]

Several people were injured after police beat them while fighting the demonstrators.

Central Maragoli MCA Evans Chunguli was arrested during the incident and detained at Vihiga Police Station for leading the demonstrations.

"The MCA in our custody has had issues with the owner of the supermarket for long. He incited the youths to attack his vehicle claiming it had marked ballot papers," Ombati stated.

"No ballot papers were recovered in the damaged car. Police were called in to contain the situation," he added.

[caption caption="One of the vicles damaged in Vihiga County"][/caption]

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