Police Are Prepared to Arrest Raila - Deputy IG Charles Owino

The Police service has indicated that it is ready to follow orders issued by the Attorney General (AG) Githu Muigai to arrest and charge Raila Odinga if he proceeds with the swearing-in plan set for Jamhuri Day.

Deputy Inspector General Charles Owino stated the authorities were ready to implement the laws.

"The AG is the chief advisor to the government and we work for the government, he has advised us on what the law provides for."

"Police enforce laws and regulations of the land. We respect Kenyans and we have to act within the law, if the law dictates that you have to be arrested then our hands are tied, we have to act within the law," he was quoted by the Star.

The Attorney General had stated on Thursday that the planned inauguration of the former Prime Minister is illegal and would be punished by treason whose preferred charge is death.

[caption caption="Deputy IG Charles Owino"][/caption]

Nonetheless, Mr Owino maintained his belief that Odinga would act within the law and would not commit anything unusal given that he is experienced.

The Deputy IG noted that the Police would provide enough security if the activity would be lawful.

"If the activity he is going to carry out is lawful and is provided for in the Constitution of Kenya, we will provide security. We have no problem with him. We serve everyone," Mr Owino stated.

Other reports from Vigilance House also indicate that the Police have launched two plans to be used during the planned swearing-in.

One plan is to stop Odinga from holding a meeting and another is to allow it to proceed but intervene immediately it turns out to be an inauguration.

[caption caption="IG Boinett and deputy IG Charles Owino"][/caption]

"Every lawful assembly is authorised. If you authorise an assembly then it turns out to be unlawful, then in becomes riotous and therefore you have to request it be dispersed," an official told the local daily.

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