Siaya Governor Gives 1 Condition to Police Before Arresting Raila

Siaya governor Cornel Rasanga on Saturday told the police that they could only arrest National Super Alliance (NASA) leader Raila Odinga on one condition.

The NASA governor stated that they would have to arrest the over 10 million supporters before they could arrest the opposition leader.

“I am waiting to see how the paltry 2,000 police officers will arrest 10 million Raila’s supporters that will attend his inauguration,” he dared.

Alego Usonga MP Samuel Atandi echoed the remarks assuring that their supporters would show up for Mr Odinga's inauguration.

[caption caption="File Image of Siaya Governor Cornel Rasanga"][/caption]

Other NASA leaders are gearing up for the planned swearing-in, as Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu on Saturday disclosed that she would be a key speaker during the inauguration ceremony.

Governor Ngilu also called for President Uhuru Kenyatta to vacate office immediately for the former Prime minister to run the country.

Justifying her call, the National Rainbow Coalition (NARC) Party leader stated that President Kenyatta lost the August election to Mr Odinga, rendering his presidency illegitimate.

On Sunday, Mr Odinga warned Attorney General Githu Muigai against arresting him and charging him with treason if he is sworn in as the People's President on Jamhuri Day.

According to Mr Odinga, the AG  'should not touch that button' because the state has previously charged him with treason but the case was terminated as the charges could not be proven.

[caption caption="File image of NASA Leader Raila Odinga and Siaya Governor Cornel Rasanga"][/caption]

In an interview with Sunday Standard, Odinga stated: "The statement by my neighbor and the former tenant was unfortunate and irresponsible.

“This is blackmail and intimidation. He should know I have been charged with treason before, spent six months in Kamiti, but the state couldn’t prove the charges. He should not touch that button,” the former Prime Minister warned. 

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