I'm Ready to be Sworn in and Die - Raila to Githu Muigai

National Super Alliance (NASA) leader Raila Odinga has declared that he is ready to die after being sworn in if that is what it takes to end electoral injustice in Kenya.

Speaking at former Kitui West MP Francis Nyenze's burial on Tuesday, the former Premier dismissed warnings from Attorney-General Githu Muigai that he would be charged with treason, which is punishable by death.

Odinga stated: “If death is the price that we must pay that Kenyans get electoral justice, that there is no more election rigging in future, we are ready to pay that price.

"We will be sworn in wafanye kile wanataka kufanya (let them do what they want),” Odinga declared.

He went on to send a direct message to AG Muigai and President Uhuru Kenyatta, affirming that he would be sworn in as he believes he won the August 8 election.

[caption caption="Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu with NASA leader Raila Odinga"][/caption]

“We said we won the election and we will be sworn in. We have been warned with treason and death.

"I want to tell Githu Muigai and his boss. We will be sworn in and die,” he added amid cheers.

Various speakers at the funeral maintained that they did not recognize President Kenyatta's Government as they did not take part in the October 26 repeat Presidential election.

The Attorney-General had warned Mr Odinga that he was being misadvised and maintained that being sworn in as the People's President amounted to 'high treason'.

"Government institutions will do what they are mandated to if and when the time is right," Muigai conveyed.

[caption caption="Leaders at the burial of Francis Nyenze"][/caption]

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