Uhuru Explains How NASA Has Failed Kenya

President Uhuru Kenyatta has accused Kenya's opposition of failing to deliver on it's mandate of keeping the Government in check.

In a piece published by the Washington Times titled Kenya deserves a strong and credible opposition, President Kenyatta stated that the country's democracy had come of age but was primarily being let down by the opposition.

He cited an independent judiciary, free press, devolution and a vibrant multi-party system as evidence of the country's democratic growth.

He then accused the Raila Odinga-led opposition of dwelling too much on sideshows despite having the support to check the Government.

He highlighted that the opposition's moves "may keep them in the newspapers, but does not make them relevant."

[caption caption="President Uhuru Kenyatta and DP William Ruto"][/caption]

President Kenyatta maintained that the opposition had failed to effectively challenge policy decisions he made in his first term.

“I believe there remains a final element unaccounted for in Kenya — required for our multiparty democracy to reach full maturity: a strong, bold and inquisitive elected opposition.

"One that holds government accountable for performance, the implementation of promises, and use of public money,” Kenyatta wrote in the October 18 opinion piece.

He affirmed that despite having a huge support base in and outside Parliament, the opposition had not played it's part in ensuring Kenyans got what they deserve.

“We have an Opposition that is competitive in elections, capable of rallying thousands to their cause, and with considerable strength in Parliament.

"However, for the past five years as key government decisions were made — on infrastructure programmes, education, health and on military action against Al-Shabaab — none faced the serious scrutiny that should be expected from an opposition in Parliament,” he wrote.

He further chided NASA for pushing for amendments to the 2010 Constitution, noting that they helped create the document.

Kenyatta wrote: “Instead of focusing on bread-and-butter issues, they have sought a new referendum on Kenya’s constitution — a document they helped create.”

[caption caption="NASA leaders Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka"][/caption]