Popular Kenyan Musician Dies in Hospital

Kenyans are mourning the death of popular musician Gabriel Omollo who sang Lunch Time.

The legendary singer passed on at Busia Referral Hospital on Wednesday and his fans took to social media to pass their condolences.

In a recent interview, the late Omollo stated that his singing career in 1960 as he was learning how to play the guitar.

[caption caption="The Late Gabriel Omollo"][/caption]

He revealed that at the time, chiefs were against musicians and he had a hard time advancing his career,

Omollo later moved to Nairobi in 1966 as he tried to make ends meet.

His song, Lunch Time, was a hit all over East Africa as it captured the daily struggles of employees in blue collar jobs and what they went through to enjoy decent meals.

He revealed that the song was inspired by his daily routine as a worker at Nairobi's Industrial Area, where his co-workers would often survive on boiled maize and beans throughout the month but would shift to high-end hotels once they got their salaries.

Omollo also wrote songs that condemned cheating in marriages and was regarded as one of the best local singers of his generation.

He had strong words for the current crop of musicians, urging them to focus on content that can benefit everyone instead of engaging in endless battles against one another and foul language.

May his soul Rest In Peace.

[caption caption="Gabriel Omollo"][/caption]

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